Inteligencia Artificial

The pioneers: Walter Pitts, Warren McCulloch y Alan Turing

It is no longer uncommon to talk about a machine's ability to reason like a human, or about robots that perform dangerous tasks. Science fiction had already opened our minds to the potential of Artificial Intelligence. As recently as 1942 Isaac Asimov wrote the book Runaround, where we can read the now famous Laws of Robotics. 

Secuestro de CO2 sobre Plataforma de Smart City

The BISITE Research Group was once again awarded the New Entrepreneurs Special Award and 12,000 euros in the third edition of the "University-Business Challenge" for the SC2 - CO2 Sequestration on Smart City Platform project. The award, which is organized by the Ministry of Education of the Council of Castile and León through the University Foundation and Higher Teachings of Castile and Leon, is also sponsored by Banco Santander.

This article presents a distributed agent-based system that can process the visual information obtained by stereoscopic cameras. The system is embedded within a global project whose objective is to develop an intelligent environment for location and identification within dependent environments that merges with other types of technologies. In this kind of environments, vision algorithms are very costly and require a lot of time to produce a response, which is highly inconvenient since many applications can require action to be taken in real time.

DCAI'14 Special Sessions will be a very useful tool in order to complement the regular program with new or emerging topics of particular interest in the field of Distributed systems and Artificial Intelligence. Special Sessions that emphasize on multi-disciplinary and transversal aspects, as well as cutting-edge topics are especially encouraged and welcome.

The Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ) is an open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results associated with distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas.

The Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ) is an open access journal that publishes articles which contribute new results associated with distributed computing and artificial intelligence, and their application in different areas.

This paper presents a planning model integrated within a TB-CBP-BDI real-time intelligent agent that provides special abilities for planning in a predictable time, which makes its use especially appropriate in systems where certain temporal constraints must be satisfied. The proposed TB-CBP-BDI real-time agent is the core of a multi-agent system that manages security issues in industrial environments, where time constraints are a key factor. 


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