Published paper on Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision


The paper Stereo Video Surveillance Multi-Agent System: New Solutions for Human Motion Analysis by Pere Marti-Puig, Sara Rodríguez, Juan F. De Paz, Ramon Reig-Bolaño, Manuel P. Rubio and Javier Bajo has been published on the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol.42, Issue 2(3), pp. 155-177.



This article presents a distributed agent-based system that can process the visual information obtained by stereoscopic cameras. The system is embedded within a global project whose objective is to develop an intelligent environment for location and identification within dependent environments that merges with other types of technologies. In this kind of environments, vision algorithms are very costly and require a lot of time to produce a response, which is highly inconvenient since many applications can require action to be taken in real time. A multi-agent system (MAS) can automate the process of analyzing images obtained by cameras, and optimize the procedure. This study presents a MAS that can process stereoscopic images to detect and classify people by combining a series of novel techniques.

The article shows in detail the combination of techniques used to perform the detection process. The process can be subdivided into human detection, human tracking, and human behavior understanding. With the addition of a case-based reasoning (CBR) model, the system can also incorporate reasoning capabilities. The system was tested under different conditions and environments.

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