by Martí Navarro, Juan F. De Paz, Vicente Julián, Sara Rodríguez, Javier BajoJ uan M. Corchado


This paper presents a planning model integrated within a TB-CBP-BDI real-time intelligent agent that provides special abilities for planning in a predictable time, which makes its use especially appropriate in systems where certain temporal constraints must be satisfied. The proposed TB-CBP-BDI real-time agent is the core of a multi-agent system that manages security issues in industrial environments, where time constraints are a key factor. The proposed planning model facilitates the automatic temporal bounded reorganization of tasks to provide the system with adaptation abilities to the changes that occur in the environment. The planning mechanism focuses on optimizing industrial and manufacturing processes, specifically the tasks performed by the available security entities in these environments. Additionally, several Ambient Intelligence technologies such as QR-CODES, GPS, Wi-Fi and HSDPA are used to develop the intelligent environment that was tested and analyzed in this study.

Published in:Expert Systems with Applications Volume 39, Issue 9, July 2012, Pages 7887–7894

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