The BISITE Research Group was once again awarded the New Entrepreneurs Special Award and 12,000 euros in the third edition of the "University-Business Challenge" for the SC2 - CO2 Sequestration on Smart City Platform project. The award, which is organized by the Ministry of Education of the Council of Castile and León through the University Foundation and Higher Teachings of Castile and Leon, is also sponsored by Banco Santander.

The monetary value of the prizes awarded is 45,000 euros. On this occasion The Universities of Salamanca and Valladolid submitted the winning research projects. 

Secuestro de CO2 sobre Plataforma de Smart City

The project in which BISITE will be involved will be held in collaboration with the company Secyt Engineering, S.L. The aim of the project is to research a system to detectCO2 levels. The proposed prototype is connected with a Smart City platform and comprises a fan, a filter and two CO2 sensors capable of measuring the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere. The device in question has the effectiveness of 40 trees and could be placed on lampposts, traffic lights or anywhere with electric power that permits capturing  the air to debug it.

The main advantage of connecting the CO2detector to a Smart City platform is the ability to analyze the levels of pollution in specific areas of interest and act accordingly. For example the CO2 detector of placed at traffic lights can regulate an area to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.


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