MDPI Electronics has published a special edition containing seventeen articles related to the field of public transport in the framework of smart cities, in which researchers from our group have collaborated.
This issue focuses mainly on the evolution of the use of transport with a high impact on the environment from the perspective of efficiency. Society requires a transport system adapted to current needs, which guarantees the movement of people and goods in an economically efficient and safe way, without neglecting sustainability.
This sector has undergone significant developments in recent years, and it is likely to continue growing despite the changing trend caused by the current global crisis. Thus, the challenge of sustainable transport is a strategic priority at local, national, European and global levels.
We invite you to read all the articles as you will find some insightful data on the state of the art of mobility within the context of smart cities.
For those of you who would like to delve deeper into this field, you have the occasion to do so by taking the Master in Smart Cities & Intelligent Buildings at the University of Salamanca.