Our journal, Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ADCAIJ) has just published a Call for Papers for the issues of the 11th volume, which will be released in 2022. 

ADCAIJ, which is published by the BISTE Research Group and Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, has become appealing to researchers as it has recently been accepted for indexing in Scopus, one of the most prestigious international databases of scientific publications in the world. The journal is also included in other nationally and internationally recognized specialized databases, such as DOAJ, ProQuest, WorldCat, Dialnet, Sherpa ROMEO, Dulcinea and UlrichWeb.

Papers can be submitted directly at the following link.


Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal is a quarterly scientific journal specialized in the dissemination of research results in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing, especially from projects that involve knowledge transfer between the academic and private sectors.

The editorial team is headed by the principal investigator of the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca and President of the AIR Institute, Juan Manuel Corchado, and by Professor Sigeru Omatu of the University of Hiroshima. Also, part of the editorial team, among other members of our research group, are Sara Rodríguez and Elena Hernández as editorial assistants. 

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