In 1874, several weather information devices were installed on Mont Blanc to collect data and transmit it via a radio link. Even earlier, in 1830, telegraphs were used to communicate with one another. Arguably, it was the first step towards the beginning of the Internet of Things. Then, in 1999 the concept of IoT was coined by Kevin Ashton, a pioneer in the work of radio frequency identification.

animación digital-BISITE

More than a century has passed since the premiere of "Fantasmagorie", the first animated film created with the drawings of the French cartoonist Émile Cohl. Technological advances have played in favour of this industry, which has been in constant evolution and has allowed us to enjoy excellent computer animated productions: this is what is known as digital animation.

There are high growth expectations regarding 3D printing and it is considered to be the key driver of change in the current manufacturing models. Its application areas are diverse, among others, healthcare, construction, education and industrial sectors. 3D printing offers the possibility of designing and creating unique items on demand, with flexibility, rapid prototyping, and at a reduced cost; these are just a few of the many advantages of 3D printing, and they will make it a technology of great importance in the coming years.

Fintech digitalización del sistema financiero- Máster BISITE

The digital transformation is already evident in many sectors, in the world of finance as well. The incorporation of technology in finance, also known as Fintech, is based on the optimisation of resources by applying strategies to offer innovative products and services, adapted to the needs of today's clients.

Máster en smart cities

Becoming a smart city is the desire of many cities worldwide, our society is better prepared, its more aware of its environment and it is willing to contribute to building a more sustainable life; to make this possible all those living in the city must be united. 

máster en smart cities USAL

The new global panorama has made us reflect on the importance of incorporating new technologies in our cities. Connectivity and intelligent systems enable the efficient management of urban structures, energy efficiency, intelligent mobility and, above all, sustainability and improved quality of life for citizens.


The intelligent or connected industry constitutes a competitive advantage for companies, which have noticed improvements in their production processes and turnover. These advances can be doubled with the inclusion of 5G technology, which is an excellent opportunity, especially amidst the current global situation.

The video game industry is becoming prominent worldwide. In Spain, the industry has an annual turnover of around 1.5 billion euros, it has become a sector of great importance to the national economy and has a high level of exports.


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