There are high growth expectations regarding 3D printing and it is considered to be the key driver of change in the current manufacturing models. Its application areas are diverse, among others, healthcare, construction, education and industrial sectors. 3D printing offers the possibility of designing and creating unique items on demand, with flexibility, rapid prototyping, and at a reduced cost; these are just a few of the many advantages of 3D printing, and they will make it a technology of great importance in the coming years.

Additive manufacturing, which is another name for 3D printing, is revolutionizing many sectors and, in addition, allowing for the creation of geometrically complex elements that would could not be made with traditional manufacturing. Specializations in this area will include printing technician, medical product developer, customized product developer, 3D printing design teacher, and others. However, new professions related to this area will emerge, responding to the constant research, innovations and the needs of society.

3D printing specialties

  1. Research and development. R&D professionals with a vision for the future will be required to define the relationship between technology and consumer products.
  2. Biologists and modeling scientists. Building profiles for the creation of fabrics, drone operation and food. Engineers, designers and modeling experts with biomedical or scientific training will be in demand.
  3. Modelling experts in architecture and construction. In the field of construction, experts will be needed to switch from two-dimensional to 3D construction solutions.
  4. 3D educators. Schools and universities already create 3D programs to adapt training to the needs of companies. Educators with a background in this industry, notions of modeling and printing techniques are required.
  5. Lawyers and jurists in 3D. The legal issues raised by the world of 3D printing, which have to do with unpublished legal aspects, intellectual property or ethical issues, must be addressed.
  6. Experts in detecting business opportunities. They are 'translators' of the opportunities that arise for the company from the implementation of 3D printing techniques.
  7. Experts in 3D franchises. Experts will be needed to advise entrepreneurs.

Experts in 3D administration and management. These are experienced professionals capable of keeping the business running smoothly and in the right direction. This includes operations and administrative staff, analysis, finance, retail, and even human resources.

No doubt, additive manufacturing offers many opportunities. The Master's Degree in 3D Printing at the University of Salamanca, will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work or research in an emerging field.

You can get a 25% discount if you enrol before December 31st, 2020.  For more Information and enrolment write to

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