The evolution of our society would not be possible without research. Investing in Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) is unquestionably the greatest investment that any country or company, no matter how small, can make. Its application can result in economic benefits, improvements in products/services and their management, reduction of production times, and many other advantages.

The current pandemic has let an increasing number of companies to invest in this area and digitize at a faster pace. Investment in R&D and innovation is very secure, and it is essential for the development and growth of any organization. A competitive company is one that prioritizes strategies aimed at the development of efficiency, quality, innovation and sustainability.

Importance of R&D&I

The impact of R&D&I and its importance for a country is usually measured by the ratio between the investment made and the Gross Domestic Price (GDP), separating public and private spending in this area. For this reason, R&D&I activities are promoted through subsidies, subsidized loans, deductions, and others. These investments are directly reflected on the competitive level of the country's business and productive network.

According to the data collected by the Eurostat 2020 edition, within the European Union, Spain was ranked as number 14 out of 27 in innovation. The study assesses the relative strengths and weaknesses of national innovation systems and helps countries identify areas that they should address.

Although it is not too bad, much is still to be done to boost R&D&I in Spain. To this end, the government must invest more in this area, promote digitalization, facilitate the protection of innovation in companies and, above all, support for technology transfer and the knowledge needed to effectively apply R&D&I in both the public and private sectors.

In this regard, the University of Salamanca and the BISITE Research Group are launching a Master' s Degree in Knowledge Transfer and R&D&I Management. This degree will help you improve your skills in project management, the technological environment and its financing, methods for mediation and conflict management or R&D legislation. You will also have the opportunity to apply everything you have learned in company internships applied to real projects.

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