The BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca works on a daily basis in areas such as blockchain, cybersecurity, web development and artificial intelligence. New members are essential so that a new vision may be brought into the different national and international projects on which the group is working, and this is what Sara Mateos and Pablo Armenteros will contribute to the AI team.

Sara, currently in the final year of her double degree in Primary Education and Mathematics, will carry out her curricular internship at BISITE as a research fellow in the area of artificial intelligence. She will be able to apply her knowledge of mathematics and machine learning to projects involving big data and deep learning, such as SCAN and PreventIA, in which the AIR Institute is also involved. 

On the other hand, Pablo, a Physics graduate with a master’s degree in teaching, complemented his training with different courses on data analysis and machine learning. He joins the team as a data analyst to work on the same projects as his colleague and others such as dAIEDge, the European Network of Excellence that aims to set the focus on artificial intelligence at European level. BISITE is part of the project along with other institutions and universities from 15 countries. 

Sara and Pablo are joining a multidisciplinary team of more than 100 researchers. If you would like to get qualified in technologies and sectors with a growing job market, you can enrol in the Master's in Digital Animation, the Master's in Digital Transformation, the Lifelong Learning Master's in ICT Resources in the Teaching-Learning Process or other courses on neural networks, data analysis, programming and more.

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