The University of Salamanca, through the BISITE Research Group, continues to offer opportunities for students from the academic institution to enter the job market. In this case, through research grants, students from the Degree in Computer Engineering can be involved in projects before finishing their studies and thus gain experience, contribute knowledge, and acquire new skills.

Lur Perona and Pablo Rodríguez, both computer science students, have joined the Technology and Advanced Intelligent Platforms Team. Lur performs API backend tasks, in charge of programming different functionalities. Until now, Lur has participated in artificial intelligence projects and has enjoyed learning, researching and undertaking new challenges.

For his part, Pablo works on DevOps deployment using Docker and is in charge of supervising the servers of several projects, solving any problems that may arise. He is particularly interested in big data, which became the subject of his thesis.

BISITE offers courses in disruptive technologies which help graduates access new job opportunities. If you are interested, you can learn more about BISITE’s offer, which includes Master's Degrees in Digital Animation,  in Digital Transformation,  ICT Resources in the Teaching-Learning Process and a wide range of other courses.

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