The BISITE group continues to be a benchmark for collaboration between universities. This time the Pontifical University of São Paulo and the University of Salamanca are working together to achieve a substantial improvement in the learning process.

Diogo Cortiz, professor at the Brazilian University, has been with us for a few weeks. The project that he is developing is about how virtual reality, an emerging but promising Technology with the ability to improve the learning process, can change the education.

“Virtual Reality For Education”

This project is not based on the usual concept of class. The project seeks to improve the retention of concepts by engaging the student. As Cortiz Diogo informed us, "students can relate different events in history around a single argument"

The project is divided into three phases, the first of which is currently under development with BISITE and consists of searching new ways to display content in Virtual Reality in order to enable more specific content searches after building a database on a virtual platform. Next week, Newton Calegari from the Pontifical Catholic University and (Web Technologies Study Center at will join the Research group to complete the first phase in the best way possible

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