The EU Horizon 2020 European Internet of Things Training Network, IoTalentum, held the "Network Meeting 7, Winter School" in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). The event was aimed at the project's doctoral students (ESRs) and included training seminars, conferences and workshops.

Researchers and coordinators of the IoTalentum project

In addition, students presented the progress of their PhDs. Our classmates, Sebastián López Florez and Mahmoud Abbasi, showed their research on new technologies. Sebastian Lopez's research focuses on the development of flexible, interpretable and scalable machine learning models, involving deep learning, Gaussian processes and kernel learning. While Mahmoud focuses on the area of communication systems and networks, machine learning, deep learning, machine learning for networks and analytics and monitoring, network traffic monitoring and analysis (NTMA).

Mahmoud Abbasi, during the presentation of his research


Sebastián López Florez presents his research advances

The parallel meetings organised by the working groups covered various aspects, including the progress of the working groups, the preparation of scientific contributions and the coordination of communication actions, led by Idelfonso Tafur Monroy Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Marta Plaza, representing the (University of Salamanca) and Prof. Zita Vale from the Higher Institute of Engineering of Porto (ISEP).

The event continued with brainstorming sessions hosted by the Supervisory Board and the Training Board, which provided a platform for ESRs to respond to challenges and share perspectives. At the same time, the meetings of the Intellectual Property Rights and Data Management Board, the Dissemination and Exploitation Board and the Ethics Board addressed critical issues, fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

About IoTalentum 

IoTalentum is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie EU Horizon 2020 European Training Network on the Internet of Things. IoTalentum's driving force is to provide interdisciplinary and comprehensive training and research in IoT: infrastructures, cybersecurity and applications. IoTalentum establishes a balanced and innovative training network of 10 beneficiaries (six leading European research groups from universities and four major companies) from five member states and one partner country, with leading and complementary expertise. IoTalentum will train 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs), who will be recruited during the implementation of the project, through an outstanding training programme that includes coordinated research in different fields of IoT.







IoTalentum is financed by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-ETN actions, grant number 953442.

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