In an effort to strengthen the foundations of cybersecurity from an early age, the CyberCampUSAL programme, in collaboration with the Spanish National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) and the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca, has held a cybersecurity awareness talk for high school students at the San José Pizarrales Salesian School.

The event not only provided a theoretical immersion in the fundamentals of cybersecurity, but also gave students the valuable opportunity to participate in practical exercises designed to simulate real-world situations, such as those they would face in a security audit.

Under the guidance of a cybersecurity expert, students explored essential practices and key concepts in this constantly evolving field. From understanding cyber threats to learning strategies for protecting digital assets, the event provided a solid foundation for students to expand their knowledge of cybersecurity.

Such initiatives not only contribute to the students' academic development, but also play a crucial role in building robust cybersecurity awareness from the early stages of their education. CyberCampUSAL continues to lead the way towards a safer digital future by empowering the next generation with essential cybersecurity knowledge.

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