The cybersecurity awareness program CyberCamp-USAL, coordinated by the Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) and the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca, celebrated this Thursday, November 30, on the occasion of the International Computer Security Day, the Cybersecurity Day for Parents.

The training took place in Aldeaseca de la Armuña (Salamanca) thanks to the collaboration with CoderDojo, an international movement of free, open and volunteer-run coding clubs where children and young people aged 7 to 17 can explore digital technology and learn to program in a safe environment. The CyberCamp-USAL initiative aimed to train parents of students on crucial issues related to internet safety, parental mediation and digital skills.

Sergio Mulas, cybersecurity technician at AIR Institute, gave a three-hour talk to about twenty interested people, where terms such as "cybersecurity", "social engineering" or "phishing" were explored, in addition to exposing real cases and tools used by cybercriminals such as BadUSB and WiFi Pineapple, with the intention of raising awareness and teaching how to detect threats in the usual digital environment. Interactive activities were also carried out to facilitate the identification of criminal tactics in everyday situations and, finally, more complex threats such as spyware, ransomware and botnets were discussed, providing real examples and tips on how to prevent infections and act in case of suspicion or detection.

Thus, in addition to being held on the occasion of International Computer Security Day, the talk offered structured knowledge about cybersecurity and provided the parents in attendance with practical tools to protect themselves and their families in the digital environment.

The CyberCamp-USAL program continues with its programming and has a series of actions planned for the coming months, including practical workshops in vocational education centers aimed at IT technical profiles, which will be held in December. New workshops, webinars, competitions and forums will take place in 2024. You can find more information on the CyberCamp-USAL website.

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