Becoming a smart city is the desire of many cities worldwide, our society is better prepared, its more aware of its environment and it is willing to contribute to building a more sustainable life; to make this possible all those living in the city must be united.

Smart cities are those that besides having tourist attractions, are committed to the development of sustainable buildings, efficient public services, and the application of sensors in street lighting, car parks, waste bins, etc.  In addition, smart cities strive towards energy efficiency, which benefits both the ecosystem and the citizens' finances. Security, mobility, the health system as well as information and communication technologies (ICT) all improve the quality of life of the citizens. 

The above-mentioned factors are some of the most important features of smart cities. Cities such as Singapore, Zurich, Oslo, Geneva, Copenhagen, Auckland, Taipei, Helsinki, Bilbao and Düsseldorf are doing very well and thus lead the smart city rankings globally, according to the IMD Smart City Index 2019 study conducted by the IMD World Competitiveness Centre, which analyses and rates the performance of 102 cities worldwide.

The IMD-SUTD Smart City Index (SCI) evaluates indicators such as health and safety, mobility, activities and opportunities, and the level of infrastructure, technological services and benefits for city residents.

The cities are distributed into four groups according to the UN Human Development Index (HDI), within each of which a "rating scale" (AAA to D) is assigned on the basis of the different scores.

Alphabetical summary of city performance


The BISITE research group strives to contribute to the development of smart cities by training specialists who can lead smart city development projects. Our Master's Degree in Smart Cities and Intelligent Buildings will make it possible for you to take part in this revolution. 


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