The new global panorama has made us reflect on the importance of incorporating new technologies in our cities. Connectivity and intelligent systems enable the efficient management of urban structures, energy efficiency, intelligent mobility and, above all, sustainability and improved quality of life for citizens.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a big ally of Smart Cities; the data collected by connected devices are crucial to correct decision-making, as is the case of smart grids. Their application significantly reduces the consumption of electricity and, therefore, the citizens' spending. Likewise, intelligent urban transport is one of the most important aspects of a Smart City. The correct use the transport system means that there is less traffic, CO2 emissions drop and the environment benefits.


According to a MarketsandMarkets report, it is expected that the Smart Cities market will grow by 14.8% between 2020 and 2025. The increase in the urban population has made it necessary to improve the infrastructure and services of our cities. Therefore, although the current health situation is generating economic havoc at a global level, the advances made in the cities will make it possible to create alternatives for citizens and a better economic outlook.

Real progress in cities must be driven by major technological input, however, it cannot be achieved without the society's commitment. The training of professionals allows to create strategies adapted to each city and will eliminate their weaknesses through solutions based on data.

In this regard, training courses like the Master's Degree in Smart Cities and Intelligent Buildings, offered by the BISITE Research Group and the University of Salamanca, provide graduates with the tools they need to manage data based on IoT, home automation architectures and systems, intelligent mobility or intelligent service management, all of which are necessary if a city is to be classified as a Smart City.

If you would like to participate in the development of the cities of the future, the Master's and Specialist Degrees in Smart Cities are for you.

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