The intelligent or connected industry constitutes a competitive advantage for companies, which have noticed improvements in their production processes and turnover. These advances can be doubled with the inclusion of 5G technology, which is an excellent opportunity, especially amidst the current global situation.

According to the latest Smart Industry 4.0 study by the Industry Observatory 4.0, "In the last year, the companies with a digital transformation plan have grown between 28% and 78%". If these plans are carried out satisfactorily, the evolution of the industrial network would be extraordinary, bringing great benefits for the Spanish economy.

Technologies such as robotics, which position Spain as the third country in Europe with the highest rate of deployment in the car sector, and the Internet of Things, which is the most promising technology for production chains, will allow for significant development of the intelligent industry.

However, the problem lies in the lack of professionals capable of directing and coordinating activities and projects aimed at industry 4.0. Specialists in IoT, Blockchain, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence or Robotics are among the most sought-after employees, as well as leaders who can establish the strategies to be followed in accordance with the needs of each company.

At the BISITE research group and the University of Salamanca, we offer different courses aimed at training specialists in these areas, including the following:

- Master's Degree in Digital Transformation, online

- Master's Degree in Industry 4.0, blended and online

- Master's Degree in Internet of Things, blended and online


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