The researchers of the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca Juan Manuel Núñez Velasco and Sebastián López Florez have attended the IoT Tech Expo London 2023, a leading event on IoT, digital twins, business transformation, IoT security, smart infrastructures, automation, data and analytics and platforms at the edge.
In the digital era, education is in constant transformation, and emerging technologies play a fundamental role in this educational revolution. A clear example of this revolution are the courses developed within the MAYA-USAL project, which aims to design and develop virtual tools to support an innovative environment for the exchange of linguistic services, supported by the use of artificial intelligence techniques and large language models.
The BISITE research group of the University of Salamanca has developed the first phase of the iTeddy - Electronic plush toy for therapies, a project, presented under the Knowledge Transfer Plan University-Enterprise TCUE -(PC_TCUE18-20P_008).
The program coordinated by INCIBE and BISITE organized the training on the occasion of International Computer Security Day to raise awareness and train in digital skills.
The International Spanish Centre (CIE) of the University of Salamanca hosted the conference "New challenges for new environments in the teaching of Spanish", as part of the Strategic Project (PERTE) of the New Language Economy.