The video game industry is becoming prominent worldwide. In Spain, the industry has an annual turnover of around 1.5 billion euros, it has become a sector of great importance to the national economy and has a high level of exports.

With 15 million consumers in Spain, the Spanish Association of Videogames (AEVI) estimates that the videogame industry will have an increased demand for experts with more than 9,000 vacancies for videogame developers, designers, artists and creators, according to the Spanish Videogame Association (AEVI).

Despite the recession caused by the COVID-19, this sector has performed very well in sales in the second quarter of 2020, as it is a form of entertainment that can be done at home. It is an excellent option and has been shown in 50 key markets that increased their turnover by 63%, especially in digital video games.

The evolution this industry has experienced is remarkable. The gaming industry has entered sectors a wide range of sectors, such as education, culture, health and even the aeronautical field. In this regard, projects will increase and so will the demand for professionals involved in the creation and production of video games.

Máster en Animación Digital

For this reason, the BISITE Research Group at the University of Salamanca is committed to training professionals in 3D animation and video game development, which is a highly demanded area.

If you want to become one of these professionals, do not hesitate to enroll in our Master in Digital Animation. Here, you will get the opportunity to learn from top professionals, such as Paco Sáez from Lightbox Entertainment, Jose Maria Tejeda Martín Lightbox Animation Studios, Alberto Corraliza, José Antonio Grimaldo Gómez from B-Water Studios, Manuel Pablo Rubio Cavero from the University of Salamanca or Sergio Moreno Vela from ARX anima.

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