The second course, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: automatic learning and neural networks”

The influence of artificial Intelligence (AI) on our lives is becoming increasingly visible. AI can be defined as a combination of algorithms that intend to simulate human activities and even exceed human intelligence.

The best part of all this is that it is open to many fields and san provide solutions to many different problems. Such is the case of chatbots, which provide automatic client attention services, according to the Gartner Advisory, , 84% of companies they have provided advice to, will increase their investment in this type of technologies by 2020.  

However, chatbots are not the only ones that are going to be on the rise, according the latest report of the  European Union, the development of application of AI in member states, will increase by up to 70%, some 1.500 million euros, public and private activities which will promote the implementation of this technology. In addition, EU estimates increased financial grants to studies related to AI, in the period 2018-2020.

In this regard, the University of Salamanca offers the second course introducing AI, aimed specifically at automatic learning and neural networks; participants will learn about basic tools and techniques and principles of artificial neural networks and several other concepts.

This is an online course whose aim is to introduce students to an interesting technological paradigm that is in high demand at the moment. Upon completing the course, students will have the capacity to design classification algorithms, such as artificial neural networks and other subareas.

It is an excellent opportunity for all those that are interested in working in this area in the future.  

The registration for the course is already open. The course will start on March 4th and end on 28th, 2019. To enrol or download de training program, visit the following website


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