If we move back in time to the first industrial revolution, between the years 1760 and 1830, we realize that this movement laid the foundations for today’s commerce, transport and communications. This revolution provided our society with many social, cultural and economic benefits.

After several centuries, the fourth industrial revolution has come about with unimaginable developments. Advanced human knowledge and the use of technologies are producing significant changes in manufacture, creating solutions that improve the quality of life of our citizens and finding answers to humanity’s most perplexing questions.

The increasingly evaluative society is prepared and demands alternatives that will suit a fast-paced and hyperconnected lifestyle; one that combines physical infrastructure with software, sensors, nanotechnology and digital communications technology.

All this is known as Industry 4.0, which aims to implement technology as the very basis of productive processes, converting machines into robots, short and affordable production series, drone delivery and personalized post-sale.

This can be achieved thanks to the Internet of Things (IOT), robotics, Big Data and all the definitions that will emerge as the new industrial revolution continues to develop.  

The intention of this revolution is not to replace workers with machines, on the contrary, workers must prepare and undergo the training that will allow them to go hand in hand with the digital transformation of their company.

A report done by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, provides all the lines of action that Spanish businesses should follow in order to embark on the fourth industrial revolution:

  • Support in the adoption of I4.0 by the industry
  • Regulatory and standardization framework
  • Awareness and communication
  • Academic and professional preparation
  • Foster the development of digital enablers
  • Support to technological businesses
  • Promote the launching of I4.0
  • Guarantee knowledge and development of skills in I4.0

Considering the recommended lines of action, the BISITE Research Group on the behalf of the University of Salamanca, as well as leading technological companies like IBM, have designed the Master and expert degree in Industry 4.0 , it is targeted at both young students who wish to specialize in this area, as well as active professionals who wish to acquire new skills.


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