LAPASSION (Latin-America Practices and Soft Skills for an Innovation Oriented Network) DemoDay took place yesterday. The event was held online and was attended by 7 multidisciplinary projects made up of teams of students from Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, Portugal and Spain.

The students presented ideas framed within the global challenge on "Accessibility and Assistive Technologies". It has been a very enriching event in which project partners and students from different countries have participated.


LAPASSION is a project of the Erasmus + program within the KA2 line - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education (reference 585687-EPP -1-2017-1-PT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

 It involves partners from Portugal, Finland, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile. The LAPASSION consortium is motivated to create a unique solution addressing the different problems that affect young people in HEIs, helping students to get a better training in terms of innovation, soft skills and internationalization.

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