"The customer is our king." Nowadays, this statement is becoming increasingly meaningful. Consumers are now the center around which companies spin. The arrival of internet and the new way in which we share computer technology is what has been the cause of this shift.  Currently, the web portal of any company is a showcase, for the whole world, of the services it provides or the products it sells.

This wide range of possibilities is precisely what empowers consumers. Considering numerous factors consumers are able to choose one company over the rest, their decision may be influenced by value for money, opinions of other customers, etc. In order to gain the customer’s loyalty, it is important that their overall experience with a company or brand and the products and services they provide, is positive.  Satisfaction is therefore one of the organizations’ essential objectives and to get it we must know each of our customers.

Given the importance of the above statement, the management of customer relations is born within the companies themselves. Relationship marketing and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are fundamental pillars, in charge of managing strategies that track, organize and automate sales, marketing and customer services. In most cases, these strategies constitute the use of new technologies (e.g. software for capturing, managing and analyzing customer data).


In addition to these systems, multichannel tools called CEM (Customer Experiences Management) systems are used, they are crucial elements as they are nourished by numerous sources such as internet, social networks, mobile applications or the data obtained in a physical store. One of the main aspects of these systems is their ability to know the customers’ degree of satisfaction in relation to a company, brand, product or service, so that the relationship is durable over time.

The MA&CE project was created with the aim of obtaining a highly innovative platform that will be able to provide in-depth information on the companies’ customers, through information obtained from satisfaction surveys and the data collected in online and offline environments. Thanks to this platform, organizations can detect and analyze customer behavior patterns. All this information can be used by companies to make the best decisions in relation to each of their customers, thus optimizing their marketing actions; this may be to enhance the individual's experience with the company, thus improving their satisfaction. It may also be to prevent customer dissatisfaction or to recover customers who are likely to abandon the Company with the least commercial consequences.

The project, in which the BISITE Research Group, "MA&CE: Social Platform for Market Analysis and Customer Experience" participates, is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the 2016 RETOS-COLABORACIÓN call (File: RTC-2016-5763-7), and will end in September 2018. This project is led by Madison, which is a national and international reference in global marketing services. For more information check this link: http://ma-ce.usal.es


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