LUCE and the Bioinformatics, Intelligent Computing Systems and Educational Technology Research Group (BISITE), from the University of Salamanca, collaborate on an R&D project entitled "Real-time deep Learning based on heterogeneous Smart Data sources for the sustainability of mobility in the last mile (DEEPSMARTMILE)".

"Last mile" solutions aim to improve the management of transport and focus on the final logistics process involving the delivery  of the parcel to the end user. They aim to optimize mobility and sustainability services in urban areas, using the latest technologies to make transport greener and more efficient.

BISITE and Luce Innovative Technologies will jointly carry out the Smart Big Data Analytics project for the management of heterogeneous sources in real time, over which to implement a cognitive engine integrating the LUCE Cloud Services Platform for the management of sustainable mobility.

The Cloud Services Platform is a proprietary Asset created and developed by Luce Innovative Technologies that ensures the success of the journey to the customer's Cloud. Currently, the range of possibilities of public clouds is immense, which makes it complex to know the optimal solution for each company. In addition to the essential ones such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud, other players such as SnowFlake have been added.

Luce creates this Cloud Services Platform, so that regardless of the selected cloud, the success of the project is guaranteed, by transferring all the know-how of our team, together with the lessons learned from real projects carried out in large companies. The Deep Learning project that we are going to execute together with LUCE is one more piece of this service platform that ensures on-premise lower costs, observability, speed, scalability, pay-per-use, security and access to new services.

Together, BISITE and Luce will research the algorithms and design the architecture of a real-time Deep Learning model based on heterogeneous Smart Data sources for the sustainability of mobility in the last mile. Its functionalities will have a positive dynamizing impact on logistics systems, so that higher levels of data access and reliability are established to allow different actors to synchronize and extend trust networks.

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