Špela Čučko is a junior researcher at the Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia. She is currently working on her Ph.D. degree with a primary research focus on decentralized and self-sovereign identities.

Špela is visiting Salamanca, where she is collaborating with BISITE as part of her doctoral research. She and our colleague Yeray Mezquita, who also did a stay in Maribor, are researching delegation processes using blockchain and other decentralised technologies.

Špela Čučko and Yeray Mezquita in BISITE laboratories

Her research interests include decentralised and blockchain technologies, as well as usability and user experience. She is also a member of the UM Ladies in Informatics and the multidisciplinary research and development group Blockchain Lab:UM.  

Špela Čučko and Yeray Mezquita in BISITE laboratories

About Lab:UM

Blockchain Lab:UM is a multidisciplinary team of researchers, developers, and consultants who design, develop and evaluate solutions and services, based on blockchain technology. The team is part of the Institute of Informatics at the University of Maribor.  Based on the Blockchain Observatory and Forum report from 2020, the team is the best R&D group stationed in Slovenia.

Since its establishment in 2017, the team has published 30+ scientific and 20+ professional papers on the topics of DLT, organized an international workshop, patented a blockchain-based solution at the EPO (the 1st in Slovenia on this topic), mentored 20+ under and postgraduate theses on the same topic.

It consists currently of 5 senior researchers and higher education professors, 2 young researchers, 2 university assistants, 1 technical staff member, and 4 students. It has also participated and still is participating in several national as well as European projects (H2020, Horizon Europe, Interreg, essifLab), etc. The head of the team is also the president of the Slovenian Standardization group for Blockchain, as well as a member of a Strategic Digitalization Council for the Slovene government. 

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