Clara Roldán is a Senior Technician in Web Application Development and is responsible for the design of the websites related to BISITE's research projects
CIBERIA members met to analyse the progress achieved during the previous months of project implementation and to determine the actions to be taken in the coming period.
On 21 May, our colleague Sergio Mulas, from the Cybersecurity Team, delivered a dynamic online workshop to more than a dozen participants.
The IoTalentum project, in which the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca participates, successfully held its 8th Network Meeting (NM8) at the Wind Tre office in Mestre (Venice). This event, which took place on 15 and 16 May, brought together researchers and project partners with a view to share progress, discuss ideas and plan future collaborations.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI), and its relationship with mathematics, was the main topic addressed at the closing conference of the 2023/24 academic year of the Project for the Detection and Stimulation of Mathematical Talent (EsTalMat) in Salamanca.