The sixth meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology (FG DLT), took place from 1 to 4 April 2019 in Madrid, and our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Denisa Kera, was invited to present her Lithopia project as a use case of blockchain technologies in the art and design domain.

The meeting was hosted by Alastria consortium, with the support of Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, the Madrid City Council and the Ministry of Economy and Business Affairs, Kingdom of Spain. The delegates analyzed DLT-based applications and services and identified best practices, which will serve as guidance to support the implementation of blockchain applications and services on a global scale.

The meeting featured an impressive array of blockchain services from Brazil that prove the possibility of leapfrogging through technology in places with missing infrastructure. The Brazilian blockchain scene is inspiring also because of many successful blockchain women entrepreneurs and leaders that came as delegates on this meeting, and in the case of Suzana Maranhão Moreno,  a blockchain specialist and engineer from the the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), as the vice-chair of the whole ITU group on DLTs.  

Among the delegates and leaders of various sections were: Taynaah Reis from Moeda Seeds Bank that provide supply chain monitoring and microfinancing,  Marcela Ribeiro Gonçalves from  multiledgers providing the favelas with banking services for paying the bills etc. and Ingrid Barth, a co-founder of Cosmos Blockchain services, an interledger, that enables signatures and authentication systems for the Brazilian startup OriginalMy through which people can send and vote on bills

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