Surveys are a helpful means of creating different profiles, conducting studies or finding out about the opinion of a group of people about a product or a situation.

Although they have evolved over time, current survey methods and market studies do not always provide the required precision. In this regard, technological advances that employ artificial intelligence are more effective and precise when it comes to providing data.

If we make use of Deep learning, survey precision can be almost exact, since this paradigm leverages advanced techniques that resemble the functions of the human nervous system and their accuracy can reach up to 95% when combined with other technologies.


Aware of the potential of artificial intelligence, the BISITE Research Group together with the Eurostar Mediagroup, an affiliate of Sigma Dos, are developing a tool called TRUSTSURVEY Social Intelligence and Opinion Mining for the Adaptation of Surveys and Market Studies to New Technologies. This tool will make it possible to combine traditional surveys with data analysis, natural language processing and deep learning solutions, eliminating existing bias, and providing a verified survey.

The current project is part of the Challenges of Collaboration 2017 program, with a budget of 616,933.12€ and we hope to conclude the project by the end of 2019.

This project has got great media resonance through different media and companies that work in the area of surveys and market studies, such as aedemo, specialists with more than 50 years of experience in this sector.

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