Agriculture and livestock farming are key sectors for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The European Union promotes the development of diverse initiatives such as "Nature-Based Business Model and Emerging Innovations to enhance Carbon Farming Initiatives (CFIs) while preserving Biodiversity, Water Security and Soil Health", an outstanding project with a budget of almost 10 million euros that will be financed through the new instrument 'i3', or Interregional Innovation Investments, which aims to promote innovation through smart specialisation and collaboration between EU regions. 

In a world where technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, its application in the field of health and sport has become a fundamental tool to improve people's quality of life. The Fundación General of the University of Salamanca and the BISITE Research Group have joined forces in an exciting project called InTrack, which aims to revolutionize the rehabilitation of athletes through the use of the Internet of Things (IoT).

BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca participates in the LIFE Vía de la Plata project, which will create a large green corridor through Salamanca. One of its main objectives is to monitor ongoing activities so as to better plan future actions and anticipate possible scenarios to mitigate climate change in the town. In this regard, the project has developed a Machine Learning model for urban analysis, based on unsupervised learning techniques through a platform that allows to segment the urban areas by applying different variables and establishing distinct climatic zones locally.


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