LIFE Vía de la Plata is a pilot project chosen by the European Commission in its 2020 call of the climate change programme that aims to create a new green infrastructure route along the 6.9 kilometres of the old Roman road in the municipality of Salamanca.

The European project included in Savia Red Verde Salamanca had one of its first milestone controls on the part of the European Commission: the technical monitoring visit to check its progress. Throughout the meeting, the project monitoring expert appointed by the EC spoke to the different partners about the progress of the different activities included in this initiative which will transform the route of the Vía de la Plata as it passes through the municipality into a large green route of 6.9 kilometres.

The event, held online due to the pandemic, and it began with a virtual tour of the six areas of action planned in the LIFE Vía de la Plata, carried out thanks to an audiovisual presentation specially prepared for the occasion. María José de la Torre, the European programme expert, was able to learn about the characteristics of each of these areas around this cattle route, from the dry land area located to the north of the city to the scrubland area located to the south, passing through the two urban areas, the banks of the Tormes and the watercourse area next to the Zurguén stream.


Prototipo de estaciones de medición para verano

LIFE Vía de la Plata aims to demonstrate, among other things, how the inclusion of green infrastructure in the city is capable of providing multiple ecosystem services that help to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants and mitigate the effects of climate change.

To study these effects, meteorological parameters, air quality, ground temperature and noise levels, among others, will be measured. At the beginning of this summer, the prototype of MES stations developed by the BISITE Group, USAL, will be ready to collect all these data and then monitor their impact through BIG DATA and machine learning. On the other hand, it was announced that in December of this year a Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability Analysis will also be ready for Salamanca, one of the first steps to develop the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the municipality.


Project co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Commission.

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