Fintech digitalización del sistema financiero- Máster BISITE

The digital transformation is already evident in many sectors, in the world of finance as well. The incorporation of technology in finance, also known as Fintech, is based on the optimisation of resources by applying strategies to offer innovative products and services, adapted to the needs of today's clients.

Chromosome-eficiencia energética-Salamanca

Energy efficiency is the key to protecting and caring for our environment. A change in our habits can significantly reduce the impact of consumption and emissions. The residential sector accounts for 45% of total energy consumption. In this respect, it is necessary to propose solutions to promote the sustainable use of energy.

Máster en smart cities

Becoming a smart city is the desire of many cities worldwide, our society is better prepared, its more aware of its environment and it is willing to contribute to building a more sustainable life; to make this possible all those living in the city must be united. 


Los efectos del cambio climático son una realidad latente a nivel mundial, si bien es cierto, hay mayor concienciación con respecto a esta problemática, es necesario crear estrategias para fomentar la eficiencia energética, no sólo por parte de las empresas, es imprescindible una colaboración conjunta de la sociedad.


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