Postural hygiene refers to the correct position of the body, whether we are in movement or in static positions. Recurrent bad posture can sooner or later lead to injuries such as spinal deviation, scoliosis, herniated discs or contractures. As a solution to this problem, researchers from the BISITE Research Group have collaborated with the AIR Institute to design the SpineCare prototype, a device that will help improve the postural hygiene of its users during spinal-related actions.

SpineCare is completely intuitive to wear and use, helping to diagnose and prevent back problems in real time, as well as providing session-based data access for user tracking.

How does SpineCare work?

The device functions as a second skin that measures postural signals from the spine, with integrated hardware designed to be worn under normal clothing, and connects to a smartphone application that visualises the data collected on the user's body posture. When the user adopts an unhealthy posture, the SpineCare sends a reminder.

Product features 

Textiles are a unisex design and are made of a high-performance, highly durable nylon-based fabric. Adjustable adjustment straps to fit all body types. Integrated seamless tunnels to protect all electronic parts.


Composed of an Inertial Sensor or IMU, which is responsible for measuring the inclination and position of each point of the total of 4 that the prototype has.

HUB Module

It is used for data acquisition, reading and sending. The module incorporates a low-power Bluetooth for connection to mobile devices.

Battery and power

The wearable is powered by an external power bank, see our recommendations here, connect the wearable via the USB power cables in the box.


Bluetooth Low Power.


The electronic parts can be easily removed from the SpineCare T-shirt, so that the fabric can be machine washed. 

SpineCare is undoubtedly an excellent alternative to improving the health of our spine and the most important thing is that we can evaluate the evolution of our habits from the data it collects and records in the application. 

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