Our research group, BISITE, is taking part in the AgrarIA project; a consortium of 24 national public-private organizations led by GMV and set up with the aim of investigating the applicability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other Industry 4.0-related technologies in real solutions. The aim is to make the future of Spain's agrifood sector more technological, innovative, sustainable and committed to energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction.


Researchers in the laboratories of the BISITE Research Group.

The project, created within the framework of the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, is funded through the Artificial Intelligence R&D Missions Program of the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (SEDIA) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, corresponding to the funds of the Recovery, Resilience and Transformation Plan.

The scope of the project focuses on two strategic lines for the future development of the sector. On the one hand, it will study how to drastically reduce carbon dioxide in agricultural production through systems governed by AI; on the other hand, it will also investigate how this technology and other related technologies could be used more efficiently and with a neutral carbon footprint.

The project also contemplates the development of the AgrarIA platform where all the models and components required in the value chain of the agricultural sector -production, transformation and distribution- can be integrated in a single decoupled computing entity and in a standard way, allowing for the definition of process flows that are integrated with the AI technologies required for their development. In this sense, this tool will enable the creation of solutions ranging from the development of new natural products for pest and disease control to the use of collaborative robotics to optimize the product transformation phase. 

Although the data reveal the strength and potential of the Spanish agri-food sector, it is still at a very low level of digitization compared to other countries. In this context, the AgrarIA project will be able to contribute significant value to the generation of relevant changes in the national socioeconomic structure and will strengthen its competitiveness through various R&D activities carried out throughout the project, related not only to AI but to practically all digital enabling technologies. This will enable not only the development of new business models, but also the transformation of the agriculture sector, making it more productive, efficient and sustainable.

We are proud to participate in such an interesting project together with important companies such as: 1A INGENIEROS, S.L.P.,AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS, AGERPIX, KIMITEC, CASA AMETLLER S.L. (GRUPO AMETLLLER ORIGEN), Celtiberian Solutions S.L, CODESIAN SOFTWARE TECH S.L., DRONETOOLS, S.L., Emergya Grupo, FLORETTE IBÉRICA, S.L., GMV, GRUPO HISPATEC INFORMÁTICA EMPRESARIAL S.A., INSTITUTO TECNOLÓGICO DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN (ITCL), Inteligencia Solagua, S.L., KIVNON LOGISTICA S.L., HelixNorth (Lanzadera Digital S.L.), LB-BAGGING, S.L., MIGUEL TORRES, S.A., PRIMAFRIO S.L., Secmotic Innovation S.L., Sylentis S.A.,TEPRO Consultores Agrícolas S.L., University of Salamanca - BISITE Research Group, University of Seville - Department of Physical Geography and Regional Geographic Analysis. 




The project AGRARIA: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE APPLIED TO THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION VALUE CHAIN 2050", with File Number: MIA.2021.M01.0004 relating to the Call for the granting of aid to finance projects of the "R&D Missions in Artificial Intelligence 2021 Program", within the framework of the Spain Digital Agenda 2025 and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, has been financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, and co-financed with European funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM).

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