We have participated in the final European review of the COSIBAS project by ITEA. The objective of COSIBAS is based on taking the next step in IoT based applications and solutions, integrating semantic and cognitive technologies based on artificial intelligence. The amount of data is increasing and requires sophisticated interpretation through analytics to generate business value in terms of faster sensing, better forecasting and decisions with greater overall flexibility.

While current IoT projects often focus on data management or information flows, semantic properties and ontologies are often missing. COSIBAS' goal is to focus on existing IoT technologies to create an open and standardized approach, as well as to define and develop cognitive services that improve the state of the art of IoT projects.

Cognitive services will be able to interpret and evaluate the state of the entire system to build and perform transactions in a cognitive model, which is the basis for interaction, decision support and support for intelligent mechanisms to enable seamless interoperability.

The project has been validated through the implementation and deployment of two use cases:

Smart grid

A network of consumers, producers and prosumers (producer and consumer at the same time) of energy, thus eliminating intermediaries, allowing consumers to save on electricity bills and producers to increase revenues.

Adding cognitive services such as predicting consumption or energy production based on historical and meteorological data.

In addition, it implements a price negotiation system for the different lots of energy to be offered by producers to consumers.

Sea traffic management

A solution to port access problems, many ships have to wait days to access a port, with the solution offered in this use case, it is possible to predict how long it will take a ship to reach the port based on sea weather conditions and thus to better manage the port and the speed of the different ships. Achieving shorter waiting times and fuel savings for ships.

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