The final management meeting of the LAPASSION project was held last week in Salamanca, Spain from September 20 to 24. The meeting enabled the representatives of the different partners to present the solutions adopted for the implementation of the students' projects in times of pandemic.

LAPASSION project partners at the last management meeting.

LAPASSION (Latin-America Practices and Soft Skills for an Innovation Oriented Network) is a project of the Erasmus + program under KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices - Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education. It involves partners from Portugal, Finland, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.

LAPASSION project partners during the last management meeting.

The results obtained during the development of the project were presented at the meetings and new solutions were proposed to improve secondary school education and internationalization. The attendees had the opportunity to visit the BISITE Group laboratories and learn about some of the projects being developed here.


The motivation behind the LAPASSION consortium is to create a unique solution to the different problems affecting young people in secondary schools, helping students to get a better education in terms of innovation, soft skills and internationalization. This solution is delivered by LAPASSION MP / I (Multidisciplinary Projects / Internships) for student teams to help them co-create and co-develop projects proposed by companies and other organizations, or to accelerate innovative ideas in an international context involving students from several countries.)

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