As a result of constant technological change, the effectiveness of traditional project management methods has diminished. For this reason, alternative management techniques have been designed which are more suited to today's context and can achieve more optimal results.
A few days ago we participated in Startup Olé, an internationally renowned entrepreneurship event that has helped us contact numerous companies and investors.
The BISITE Research Group participates through IBSAL in the HERMS project (Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems), financed by the European Union through its FET Proactive Program and coordinated by Gabriella Panuccio from the IIT.
Global Finpredict - Global Exchange and BISITE develop new technologies in the financial environment
Global Exchange, a Salamanca company, world leader in the currency exchange sector, and the BISITE research group of the University of Salamanca work together on the research and development of different technological projects, within the framework of the strategic plan financed by the ICE (Institute for the Competitiveness of Castile y León) with a budget of more than 2 million euros.
BISITE at the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) blockchain and DLTs meeting in Madrid
The sixth meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Application of Distributed Ledger Technology (FG DLT), took place from 1 to 4 April 2019 in Madrid, and our Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Denisa Kera, was invited to present her Lithopia project as a use case of blockchain technologies in the art and design domain.