During the 20th session of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI 2023), the Special Session on the next generation of IoT infrastructures, cybersecurity, and applications (IoTalentum) will be held. The 2023 edition of DCAI will be held in Guimarães (Portugal) from 12 to 14 July and is expected to bring together more than a hundred researchers and professionals from different areas.

Our colleague Fernando de la Prieta gave a lecture under the title "Origin and Evolution of Artificial Intelligence. Applications in Smart Cities", at the Artificial Intelligence and Civil Engineering Conference organised by the Association of Technical Engineers of Public Works at the facilities of the General Arroquia Barracks in Salamanca. 

Imagen Máster Smart Cities BISITE

En la actualidad, estamos presenciando una revolución tecnológica sin precedentes que está transformando la forma en que vivimos, trabajamos y nos relacionamos entre nosotros. La inteligencia artificial, el internet de las cosas, el big data y otras tecnologías disruptivas están liderando este cambio. En este contexto, las Smart Cities se están convirtiendo cada vez más en una realidad palpable.


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