It has been an honour for me to represent our Research Group at an important meeting on cybersecurity, organized by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castile and Leon (ICE), as part of the work developed by the Regional Working Group on Cybersecurity of which we are a part of.
BISITE will take part in the Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) program organized by the European Space Agency that focuses on bringing student developers into open source software development for space applications.
As a result of constant technological change, the effectiveness of traditional project management methods has diminished. For this reason, alternative management techniques have been designed which are more suited to today's context and can achieve more optimal results.
A few days ago we participated in Startup Olé, an internationally renowned entrepreneurship event that has helped us contact numerous companies and investors.
The BISITE Research Group participates through IBSAL in the HERMS project (Hybrid Enhanced Regenerative Medicine Systems), financed by the European Union through its FET Proactive Program and coordinated by Gabriella Panuccio from the IIT.