The BISITE Group continues to grow, we have more than 100 researchers who are pursuing research careers in different areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Emotional Systems, Fintech, Blockchain, IoT, Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Smart Textiles and Cybersecurity.

BISITE collaborates intensively in more than a hundred research projects with companies, universities and national and international research centres.

The latest additions to the team are part of interesting projects related to computer development, IoT, cybersecurity or Artificial Intelligence.

We would like to introduce you to our new colleagues:

David Sánchez Sánchez; he is a Computer Engineering student at the University of Salamanca and has joined to do an internship in our group, collaborating in projects related to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, specifically in Backend development tasks and the creation of APIs.

David Sánchez Sánchez in the laboratories of the BISITE research group

Pedro Jiménez Fernández; he studied Biology at the University of Salamanca and later specialised in bioinformatics and computational genomics at the same university. He is currently working with us on the development of bioinformatics applications related to genetic analysis.

Erick José Mercado Hernández; he is also in his final year of Computer Engineering at USAL, while combining his studies with his work in the group, developing web applications and projects related to Industry 4.0.

Pedro Jiménez Fernández and Erick José Mercado Hernández in the laboratories of the BISITE research group

Daniel Lázaro Rubio; he is in his fourth year of Computer Engineering at USAL, while working in the BISITE Group in the area of Cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT).

Daniel Lázaro Rubio in the laboratories of the BISITE research group

Javier García Pechero; student doing his last year of Computer Engineering at USAL, whilst working at BISITE Group. He is part of the team developing projects in the area of cybersecurity. He is part of the Blue Team related to the area of prevention, mitigation and detection of threats. 

Javier garcía Pechero

Javier García Pechero in the laboratories of the BISITE research group

Raúl Juan García; he is a graduate in Computer Engineering and within the group he participates in projects related to Artificial Intelligence or prediction models in Python. He is currently collaborating in a virtual reality simulation modelling project with Unreal for wind farm machinery maintenance training.

Raúl Juan

Raúl Juan García in the laboratories of the BISITE research group

Welcome, everybody! 

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