The University of Salamanca is going to contract two PhD Researchers under the Order of June 5, 2018 of the Ministry of Education, Junta de Castilla y León. The deadline for the submission of applications will be March 21, 2019.

Project reference: SA293P18: "The development of bio fertilization strategies with endophyte and Rhizobium bacteria aimed at improving the yield of quinoa, an alternative future crop in Castilla y León".

Project reference: SA267P18: "Virtual-Ledger-Technologies DLT/Blockchain and Crypto-IOT for virtual organizations of light agents and their application in the last mile transport efficiency".

The type of postdoctoral contract, as stated in art. 22 of the Science Law (BOE of 2 June 2011), is for Access to the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System and its maximum duration is of 21 months, between 1 March 2019 and 31 December 2020.

Those interested in applying to any of the two offers must submit official electronic transcripts of the required documentation through the University’s e-Registry Office.

Investigador posdoctoral


University e-Registry


Application form


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