If you just finished your PhD and have a strong research CV with numerous quality publications, grants, awards and so on… This is your opportunity!! We would like to offer you the possibility of joining a multidisciplinary and inter-university research group where you can develop your research career in one of the following lines:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (IA) Development of artificial intelligence systems that integrate different technologies such as multi-agent systems, intelligent agents, case-based reasoning system, plan based reasoning system, deliberative reasoning systems, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc.
  • Bioinformatics - Study of microarrays from patients with various pathologies, studies at the genetic and chromosomal level through expression arrays, array CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) and sequencing analysis, using expression arrays corresponding to chips such as exon arrays, HG U133 plus 2.0, Affymetrix U95Av2 and BAC clones of CGH, and sequencing analysis with technology of Roche.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) - Design and implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks, design of novel fusion algorithms for the information received from the sensors.
  • Distributed Computing - Distributed Artificial Intelligence integrates concepts from two fields of study: Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Systems. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) field seeks to understand intelligent entities. The Distributed Systems field studies the properties of sets of autonomous entities that do not share memory but cooperate through communication by sending messages on a communication network.
  • Smart Energy - Intelligent system for lighting control, energy efficiency in smart buildings, security in electricity distribution networks, energy simulation, optimization methods for energy expenditure.

Fellowship outline

Researchers of any nationality can be apply for one of these fellowship depending on their country of origin:

  • Researchers from Europe (EU28 + associated countries)
  • Researchers from outside Europe (America, Asian, Australia, Africa, etc.): International Incoming Fellowships (IIF). The fellowships lasts between 12 and 24 months.

Economic conditions

The funding covers (A) salary, (B) mobility allowance , (C) research expenses, and (D) and indirect costs during the duration of the fellowship:

  • A) Gross salary is contingent on proven experience:
    ~ 57.000€/year - ~ 85.000€/year
  • B) Mobility allowance is contingent on family obligations:
    ~ 700€/month - ~1.000€/month
  • C) Other research expenses: 800€/month
    Researcher’s allowance = A+B+C


Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez
Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer of the University of Salamanca 
Director of the Science Park of the University of Salamanca
Visiting Professor at the Osaka Institute of Technology
President of the IEEE SMC (Spanish Chapter)
Mobile: + 34 618696589



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